39 siti web che possono renderti incredibilmente più smart solo in 10 minuti al giorno
Di seguito i nostri migliori 39 posti sul Web che possono aiutarti a espandere la tua mente
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“La crescita intellettuale dovrebbe iniziare alla nascita e cessare solo alla morte.” Albert Einstein ha detto questo. L’apprendimento permanente è uno dei modi migliori per migliorare la tua vita e la tua carriera.
L’autoapprendimento può arricchire le tue conoscenze ogni giorno. E la buona notizia è che accedi a risorse online gratuite ovunque per aiutarti a diventare una versione migliore di te stesso.
La tua carriera e la tua vita personale non saranno più le stesse se puoi impegnarti in alcune di queste fantastiche risorse in soli dieci minuti al giorno.
Il web sta diventando sempre più una potente risorsa che può facilmente aiutarti a imparare qualcosa di nuovo ogni giorno. C’è una grande possibilità che tu possa mettere a frutto almeno uno di questi fantastici siti e farti conoscere come una persona migliore di quanto eri l’anno scorso.
Visito costantemente alcuni di questi siti ogni settimana per conoscere nuovi argomenti, idee, concetti e modelli mentali per migliorare me stesso.

1.BBC — Future — Making you smarter, every day.

2. Pocket Explore — discover the best and trending stories of the web.

3. Aeon — profound and provocative thinking content.

4. WikiWand — A slick new interface for Wikipedia.

5. The long read (The Guardian) — In-depth reporting, essays and profiles.

6. Wait But Why — A popular long-form, stick-figure-illustrated blog about almost everything.

7. Farnam Street — master the best of what other people have figured out.

8. InsightfulQuestions (subreddit) — Intellectual discussions that are not necessarily genre-specific.

9. Fast Company’s 30-Second MBA — Learn great business and life lessons in short video clips from accomplished corporate executives.

10. University of the People — Tuition-free online university that offers higher education in multiple course streams.

11. OpenSesame — online training platform, now with 22,000+ courses.

12. The School of Life: A place that tries to answer the great questions of life with the help of culture.

13. Coursera — Coursera offers massive open online courses for free, in partnership with some of the best universities.

14. edX — Take online courses from the world’s best universities.

15. Quora — You ask, the net discusses — with top experts and fascinating back and forth on everything.

16. Digital Photography School — Read through this goldmine of articles to improve your photography skills.

17. Brain Pickings — Insightful long form posts on life, art, science, design, history, philosophy, and more.

18. Peer 2 Peer University or P2PU, is an open educational project that helps you learn at your own pace.

19. MIT Open CourseWare is a catalog of free online courses and learning resources offered by MIT.

20. Highbrow — Get bite-sized daily courses to your inbox.

21. Investopedia — Learn everything you need to know about the world of investing, markets, and personal finance.

22. Udacity offers interactive online classes and courses in higher education.

23. Mozilla Developer Network offers detailed documentation and learning resources for web developers.

24. Future learn — enjoy free online courses from top universities and specialist organisations.

25. Google Scholar — provides a search of scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources, including theses, books, abstracts and articles.

26. The Creativity Post — high-quality content on innovation and creativity.

27. 99U (YouTube) — Actionable insights on productivity, organization, and leadership to help creative people push ideas forward.

28. Less Wrong — tools to make intellectual progress on important problems

29. Thinking Allowed — New research on how society works

30. Behavioural Scientist — Original, thought-provoking reports from the front lines of behavioural science.

31. Alison — Free online courses from the world’s top publishers

32. Big Think — Articles and videos featuring expert “Big Thinkers.”

33. Youtube EDU — The education videos that don’t have cute cats in boxes — but they do unlock knowledge.

34. This column will change your life (The Guardian) — Oliver Burkeman investigates routes to mental wellbeing.

35. DataCamp — Online R tutorials and data science courses.

36. Edge.org — ideas of the most sophisticated minds.

37. TED — Great videos to open your mind on almost every topic.

38. Scientific American — a guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology

39. Nautilus — a different kind of science magazine.